Not sure whether to do this or not.
Thanks to SO many events in my life that pulled me away from the internet (heck, it pulled me away from my computer), I just gave up on this. But fate makes an emotional turn and here I am, writing this.
There I was, all prepped and ready for a seemingly fluid path set out for me.
And then I made a nosedive. I knew i couldn't always count on Luck to be on my side since it's already been with me for quite awhile, and now Fate wants it back. So now i'm fighting to get back on my path, not with Luck but with Hard Work and Perseverance.
*the above paragraph is just a melodramatic way of saying that:
I got cocky (literally),
US Uni rejected me,
Didnt want to waste time,
Applied to Aus Uni,
Offer wasn't good (a form of cocky-ness again)
so putting my life on a dice again for US Uni.
with a 6 month gap in my life, boredom hit me. HARD.
You'd know it if you refresh FB every 5mins to catch any updates from now-distant friends (since you dont go to college anymore and you missed an F-ing good chance for a tourney overseas)
So yes i'm facing it: MY LIFE SUCKS
but to make things fair, I thought this gap would be beneficial for me. firstly, i get to prioritize and organize myself.
That meant:
arranging college books by subjects,textbooks and exercise books (my cupboard couldnt take the load)
wiping every inch of my room (this, to pass time)
throwing my old cpu (got a hot sexy Sony Vaio instead ;P )
That's when i came across my old books. I dont remember since when i started writing them,, but i can recall to as far as my secondary school.
Every year when i get a new hobby, I'd write down my ideas and projects in leftover latihan books. there'd be sketches and tiny notes telling me what were what and where were where. (Side tracking here, ops) So, yeah basically i found my blogging book (how WACK is that?) and realize I had quite alot of stuff i really wanted to do with them.
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