every saturday there's two things i look forward too the most:
frisbee and lunch AFTER frisbee
it's like an adventure with every new place we go too. and today is no exception.
pick up today was held at some rugby field beside Lake Gardens, and at first glance i was like whoa! this field is nice!!! However Louis with his uncanny ability to detect the fields' quality said it was a no-no for frisbee players.
and unfortunately he got it right.
although there's grass growing in every section of the place, i'd say the grass grew a lil too much, hiding the fields' sinister ground, which is filled with holes! you'd never know when you'd fall down or pull a muscle thanks to the over-flourishing greenery. Going green can kill.
still.... a fields a field.
so, with mike, jiu, louis, caroll, max, el dino and david, we played.
still proved i need more training! im not catching stuff! :(
with so few of us, and with caroll's wife watching us closely (caroll purposely postpone their family holiday just for this! this is dedication weih) we did some throw-ins and some game of box and what-cha-ma-call-it. damn intense! i practically was subbing whenever i can. caroll left early, and with the team spirit gone, we played a bit more b4 we left for lunch!
david led the way (nearly got lost) to some part in the heart of kl to this place:
what made this food even more enjoyable was the fact that i, together with louis, are paying a minute amount of what we should really be paying, all thanks to our hou pang yau, jiu hwei! and why is that? well, our best friend here, with a past record of late attendance, promised to wake up early this morning so that we wouldnt have to wait for him to go to the field. unfortunately, his past came back to hunt him, which therefore, thanks to some sweet talk by louis, earned us an almost-free lunch! nyahahhaha!
coming back to our pizza parlor, its built on an old building, so you can still see the old parts, with some new stuff added to it, giving it a very authentic look.
the interior of the shop looks nice... very different from any restaurant shop i've seen..
even the wash basin is different!
you PRESS the lever with your LEG to turn on the tap!
at long last our pizza came, was too hungry to stop myself or anyone else to say the least to take a pic...
plus its ALMOST-free!
owh now i remember, its directly a row behind heritage road
(Was passing by it ; Louis: wanna go clubbing now?)
so, if you're ever hungry after a night of clubbing, be sure to grab a bite at the Yellow Cab!
PS: this will be my last post before i fly to KK, so no updates till wednesday! ciao!
2 blubbers:
LOL. wait... there's a reason why i left it out... special dedicated post. hahaha! wait after i get back!
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