2 assignments
2 quizes
1 project
2 papers
-on a side note-
what's left after 1 night of beautiful glow.
as u know, went back hometown for cheng MING (correct sheryl? XD)
which by the way, i did nothing. (mom went to the graveYARD i think)
and random-ness took over me and went 1u to watch Knowing straight after class (skipped design, left with calculus :P)
must say i quite like it, but the graphics are omf-AWESOME! so inspirational! me and edward were discussing about the christian elements cleverly incorporated into the movie such as:
alien wings? = angels?
only caleb and abby taken to this new world? = adam and eve?
sunflare-that-destroyed-earth = modern style judgement day?
Sun god dying = destroy pagan-ship?
only caleb and abby taken to this new world? = adam and eve?
sunflare-that-destroyed-earth = modern style judgement day?
Sun god dying = destroy pagan-ship?
nevertheless nothing beats watchmen so far:
study time!
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