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Monday, February 16

sigh of relief

doodled by Aaroni

sorry for the long disappearance (i'm guessing you got used to it already)

reason being was the very thing all geeks fear...

no its not the end-of-the-earth-where-technology-is-dead.

nope its not intel shut down.


so here i thought to myself right now;


well i constantly back up my files so its alright to reformat,

only things i'll be missing is my current assignment files (ARGHGGHGGH! i have to start from SCRATCH!)

i have to download my softwares again too (WHY WHY didnt i keep a list of the sites i download them. better yet BURN them into cd...)

and the good thing is that i get to install my new (A year old, i have been procrastinating to install them) RAMs!

and while i'm at it,


now most people might think i'm a comp whiz so cleaning a computer is next to nothing,

now i am not-so-proud to annouce that i haven't cleaned my computer since it was bought



god knows what horrors lies within.

so kissing my old computer-self goodbye, i shut it down, touched my hands on the metal parts to rid of bodily static (harms computer parts) and armed with cotton buds, tissue paper, water (YES be VERY careful with it), and a vacuum cleaner,

i got to work.

good lighting is a must.

dont ask why a knife's there. okay i couldnt find my screw driver.

dust couldnt have gotten ANY darker than this. it has been left alone until it's developed to a tar-like consistancy. surprising how my computer could actually turned itself on all these while.

proding the danger-prone area zone.

so after 20 or so cotton buds, one roll of tissue, and a bag full of dust from the vacuum cleaner,
its CLEAN. (no pictuere here. too happy to care taking a pic)

so i just slot in my RAMs (had a measly 512mb, switching for 2G, *smiles like madman*)

come to think of it, the real reason i wanted to clean/upgrade/reformat is just one:


(excerpt taken from Wee Wee)

anyway i locked everything in place and, praying nothing went wrong, flicked the switch,

IT'S ALIVE!!!!not surprising *acts all snobish*

popped in the xp cd and let it run for abit, loaded my stuff,

brand as new!

now, feeling all happy and contented, i reached out to plug in my thumbdrive to disinfect it with my anti-virus and im done for toda-


*looks around. finds installation cd right beside me*

inside joke

*screams* (mum downstairs didnt care)

*SCREAMS* (mum stop doing her stuff)



=_=" (Swt... lameness)

so after all the hocus pocus my comp is clean, and me, disgrunted for the xtra work for nothing, fell to sleep.

and so that is what the current self is about to do!


a side note:

you read anything "special"? look closer.

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