as you have already found out by now....
*combo 1*
sheryl's outing was fun! although i ended up rm15 less credit on my phone in the end. no more organizing!
that being said, me the organizer ended up being the LAST person to arrive as usual. tried to push the blame to kenneth. didnt work.
her parents made some awesome spaghetti i had to say that to save my arse (nah was joking. its REALLY good) and KFC, which i cant and will not eat (say no to KFC chicken!)
somehow just played UNO for ONLY ONE ROUND before time was up. most went to edwins house for another round. sean and i left early. parents summons us. lol
*combo 2*
ellen's farewell was so not a farewell, more like a lets-forget-im-leaving-and-lets-berseronok-kind-of event. food was good, games were nice. FINALLY managed to meet up with old peeps (they keep saying i ALWAYS dont go for any of the belian gatherings. i went for ALL THREE of them! they say they had 20+ outings.... )
my girl ditched me for a phone call! T.T
*combo 3*
davids farewell was short for me as i came late. ( i WANTED to come late but since i'm fetching 2 GIRLS we arrived even later. GIRLS)
food was severely depleted by then so just grab anything edible and vegetarian and just wallop la. played ps2 and kicked ass!

left early coz qing han aka mimosa needed to find herself (inside joke) at the park, luther suggested the padang near his place, with the hidden agenda of a free transport home. jkjk. so we were looking for her at the padang when we realised:
"we can't find her in the rain. they close up"
*combo 4*
jiu hwe's open house was VERY last minute and was not on a good day. no nothing to do with him. more with me, actually ALL has to do with me, which was my parents werent in such a "giving" mood so to speak. lets say a dent on my car and a months'-past fued fueled this "mood". but eventually i managed to swivel myself out of it and found myself at his party. late. BUT still earlier than qing han and lenny which got LOST even though qing han's been there TWICE and me ONCE. (but they got lost once only, and me TWICE on one day)
is it me or lately is there a surge in mobile lok lok stalls being used as a all-in-one food catering solution. i mean it tastes okay i guess but too much of it and, *blech* so control how much you eat it. which then makes sense so as to prevent the typical chinese from hoarding the food supply.
ate carefully (still ended up eating the most), threw some hoops ( i still got it in me!), and another ronda around the house coz i was there before and had a more thorough ronda.
found these:
finishing attack:
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