the red lanterns are out and hanging. the red packets are being filled. the bank account just got a whole lot smaller. the race to head back early before the big jam begins. the grin gets broader with every perfect ending of chor tai di...
its that time again.
well not yet la.
still, aside from the momentous occasion, not everything is bright and sunny:
1) BAD YEAR for ME (or so they say... REMINDER: you make your own FATE)
according to the zodiac charts, in the year of the ox, those born in the year of the Horse may be the one with the worst luck among the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. You’ve no lucky star but lots of unlucky stars. Tread carefully.
Career :
You may make major mistakes at work
(this happens REGARDLESS of what year im in) ,
so scrutinize contracts and agreements carefully.
This is not a good year to make money . Avoid speculative investments.
(not to worry either. i spend 'em faster that i invest them)
Love life:
The proud Horse does not want to get involved
(WHAT? now this is TOTAL BULLSHIT) .
The old Horse’s spouse is vulnerable to major illnesses
(coz all old Horse's spouses are OLD).
The single Horse may not meet his/her dream date.
(This is already wrong)
As you’re unlucky this year, avoid going to hospitals and funerals.
(Too late)
Your health is not too good. You may not have energy left for anything unrelated to your job.
( Kind of true. im too "exhausted" to finish a certain "brochure"... shh...)
Avoid unnecessary social events and take an extended rest instead.
(Bah. it's like saying "stay at home and rot" to me)
2) Bad start for OTHERS (but that's gonna change. it'd BETTER)my macroecons lecturer, dr simic, was brutally robbed and attacked by 5 men in front of his home sometime last monday (i think) . these mindless monsters took away a defenseless old man's laptop, briefcase, passport, etc... , and just like what plain monsters do, slashed and stabbed him and left him. FORTUNATELY, after a 7+ hour surgery he's in for a speedy recovery (not sure its speedy, it just makes the sentence sound nicer ). sheryl, qing and the gang went to visit him. gosh he was touched he nearly cried! (heard from sheryl, couldnt go. will explain later)
hope he gets well soon!
yea so continuing where i left off, for me this cny, its kind of the middle between contented and suffer-the-consequences, reason being:
i got new soles
and the fact that i had to find transport home coz my sis and dad dont wanna fetch me.

THIS was the reason i couldnt visit Dr. simic.
straight after class yi yun (actually its the boyfriend) was so KINDDDDDD to send me to KL central (saving me rm2!). so from there i was left to fend myself from the world as i trekked my way back home. all that's left to aid me is my lil trusty book. reason its trusty is coz inscribed on one page, lists ALL lrt stations, monorails and what-nots plus its interchange stations. so i scanned for "kepong," found it, got my ticket, boarded, and off i went!
while i was praising myself for my stroke of genius (i had two options. i nearly took the other one, one which involves u82, another U bus plus walking, which MIGHT actually be less strenuous), i stared at those board they put at the top of the sliding doors which lists all the stops.
there read "Kepong station" and next to it "Kepong Central Station"
That wasnt listed on my now-not-so-trusty-lil-book-anymore.
plus i bought for the former station.
in the end it turned out to be the latter station. waste another rm1 (its rm1 per ticket plus the extra sens for how far the station is)
by the time i found the right station came another life-or-death choice: taxi, left or right?
taxi means more outflow of cash, left or right means walking in the sun with no idea where home is.
but once again macgyver picked the almost-right choice:
"right" meaning a 2km walk from the station beside the highway downhill and uphill towards home. i actually had to walk 1/2 the way to make sure i WAS right. but still.
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