i promised myself a post one of these days.. and here it is!
3rd semester's long gone... holidays are up and running full steam ahead!
this sem was like all sems.... full of stuff to do... papers to hand in.... and i chose the WORSE subject to learn... SOCIOLOGY! ARGH (mind you the lecturer was good. (saying that if she ever cathes hold of this site...))
on a social scale it was ok i guess... didnt make any enemies! i think....
on a academis scale... well lets say my cgpa will have a negative effect this time around...
so, like the end of previous semesters (except the 1st.. i didnt go T.T) an activity was in order...
so right after finals we packed and made way for penang!
monday morning:
met at duta bus terminal
as usual, yours truly arrived NOT on schedule... but made it nevertheless...
push off!
journey was fine so far.... stopped by to pee.... push off... breakdown...waited....
flagging down bus to pick us up...
so far so good... !#$!$@@!#$!@#$ transnational...
instead of going through the bridge we now had to take a ferry over...
which was actually better in both mentally (refreshing sea smell anyone?) and geographically (closer to hotel)
after a rapidpenang bus ride we finally reached!~
hovered around there for awhile before heading over to gurney drive...
walked a good 1 km if you ask me....
more food!
on a serious note though, we kinda noticed most of the original stalls were gone... to be replaced by stingy, over-priced,small-portions- stalls... i mean, compared to the oh-ni (fried oyster with egg) in one shop with the original one still there, the size of the oysters were VERY obvious...(no pics of it though... gone as soon as we bought them...)
tummys full, we walked by the beach... bought some bubble blowers, those cheap concoction of dishwasher and water (chloe: EH!!! i want those!)
i become the blower... (dont get any IDEAS)
made way to gurney mall...which kind of looks like a mall in melaka... very similar designs...
walk walk... go arcade...
and watch night movie... "Body of Lies"
now ppl might be wondering....
its a nice movie...
good storyline....
but NOT the kind you'd watch on a trip...
with so much stuff to absorb your brain just cant take what leornardo was talking about, the hidden agendas... so yeah besides felix and a few estatic ppl, the rest forced their eyes open, making their money worth it...
semi-consciously walked back to hotel...
already very sleepy... but still went in 7-11 to get maggi hot cups (and beer for the regulars) and then had a "party" consisting of drinkers, tv watchers, chor tai di-ers, and sleepers... and slept VERY late... (surprised i slept at all...)
resolved to wake up at 7 tmr... actual wake up time became 8... loafed around in the gym:
and pool.
Matthew: eh lets go already
got prepped up and ticked the first to-do-list-in-penang...
we initially had a few biscuit shops we each wanted to go...
him heang
ghee heang
and one more i forgot...
but we only found him heang (my place!) so no choice for the rest. muahahahaha...
since it was a very tiring day, most of its unbearable memories have ebbed away... but all i can recall is the whole journey of they day was spent on walking..
take pic
visited khoo kongsi
and it was around late afternoon when decided to head for the beach. (this was was sheryl's been waiting for the entire trip.. haha)
so took a bus at KOMTAR. damn ticket seller. he said the journey will last 30mins... turns out his life revolves around him 3 times faster than normal.... with 1.5 hours, what could we do but sleep?
after a long busride we finally made it!
qing and midhat wasted no time to ride a horse
after that me and qing went parasailing... cant find pics for that... :(
tried to be proffesional :P...
being bimboitic
(was trying to the parachute "land" on her hand tapi tak jadi...)
nice sun set
took a long way back to town, so ate at a city restaurant... forgot the name of the place though, just remembered i've been there before, so the food must've been good...
got back to hotel. it's always the same situation everytime i go for a trip... 1st day enjoy party party so hardly sleep at night. 2nd day CONFIRM by 12am:
*SNOOOORREEEeeee...* (of coz i didnt snore... but i know ppl who do... =_= )
last day:
came with his parents visiting but apparently he decided to drop by..
some shots around hotel.
then its checking out and hopping on the bus to the bus terminal...
waiting for the bus to arrive...
back to sleeping... fortunatelly this bus didnt die out on us so made back to puduraya safely and on TIME, actually enough time for dinner! was hungry so didnt eat... after that was pack up and wait for dad to pick me up.
the end!
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