5 Belian had their 1st class dinner in conjunction with the end of SPM!
with the venue set at Li May's house, we each set out to prepare our own signature dishes!
before all that happened, there are things that i need to do 1st....
so early in morning...(does 10 count as early?) i brought the just-finished-spm Eddie for a haircut.. didnt noe what happened to his old one... probably found out mine was better! =P
so we reached the hair saloon only to find it still CLOSED =_=... so much for "opening hours=10.30" ended up walking around the area looking for stuff and lepak'ed at a book store just for the air-cond... so bla bla bla it finally opened and so begins eddie's transformation!
from this....(ignore ellen here.. )
to this....
can't see the diff? heres a another angle....
haha... actually the stripes wasnt there first... that was the effect of an afterthought.... lolx...
ohhh!!!! i forgot to tell!!! me and eddie learnt a VALUABLE lesson today... it all started with a woman wearing semi-monk clothing (doesnt it already spell the words C.O.N.W.O.M.A.N ? but nooo.......) so she aproached us and thus the conversation begin (in mandrin):
CONwoman: this is for you (gives a PLASTIC pendant sculpture of guan yin and a laminated card depicting Buddhism)
me&eddie: owh ok... (tot she was giving FREE)
CONwoman: *whips out notebook* now can you please donate for the temple(this is the crap part)
now if you were aware and such, it would be a wise decision to give back the items and back off...
but this isnt like it in Malaysia... it wouldnt seem.... ethical.... so instead... RM20 just flew off...
and thats not the worse part.... after we were "forced" to donate.. she caught us again and ask whether did she gave us the wrong amount of CHANGE and wanted to ask for more money!....
urgh... to anybody visiting Uptown, beware of a plump woman usually donning a grey cap and monk-like clothes. if u wish to save your money, turn away and RUN!
yea after the ordeal, chilled at Siew's place, while helping them make muffins.... then went back got ready and walk to Li may's house. was kinda late so the feeding frenzy already had begun. with tables filled with all sorts of family tradition cookings plus the usual pizza's and sausages we were spoilt for choice! with this going on Li may whipped up the 'ol Twister! so.......
i was caught off guard here
but they weren't
some tense moments (these 2 naughty girls couldnt take their eyes of eddie's arse...haha)
in the end who could have possibly won? XD *hint* *hint*! (taekwondo really helped!)
while we were enjoying... on the other hand the others....
so... ROUND 2!
so fast and already things got steamy! presenting to you...
the footies found something to past the time
and the camwhores found something else too :)kim + me
pearl + me
(from left; evie, hanisa, jun)chia wen + stef
watch where you keep your hand epk!
stef + alvin
the midnight society(clockwise from top; hui wen, may ann, sam, sharon)
so overall...syok-nya....
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