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Monday, November 5

30 Days Of Night With Advertlets

doodled by Aaroni

alrite this is the REAL last post b4 my spm begins!

to make things abit.. "spicy" i'll just do this post on the upcoming movie "30 days of night" for a contest! hmm...

What would you do if you were stuck in Barrow, Alaska, for 30 days of night?

IF i would get stuck there.... (trying to think realistically and not go imagining me as some superman) i have two options...

number one: arm my self 1st. collect ammo, knifes, forks,( holy water?), garlic, a metal collar... huh? 0.o why metal collar? well.. like EVERY vampire show you'll notice the blood sucking mammals tends to AIM FOR THE NECK. just get the idea.
next i'll just find surviving residents while ass-kicking vampires along the way. hurrah!

number two: OR.... just find a vampire and just "come on i haven't got all day" and *snap*
"hey i'm a vampire!" and go on in my jolly way and rid of the human population ( i tried to think realistically but as you see, vampires aren't what you call realistic either...)
the bonus is that i can also be in those movie posters! heres me in one of them....
okay to REALLY stand out from the crowd, i'll just present this to you in a FLASH !


EDITED: Don't bother waiting... exams is over and i already won =P

4 blubbers:

KOKahKOK said...

woo....have you watch it? cool! must watch after ur exam! good lcuk yo! hoep we can win the prize! wooo!

Aaroni said...

haha.. nope.. exam man... haiz...thanks for the wish!
haha.. hope we stand a chance!

KOKahKOK said...

ya...looks like less people participating lo@ anyway...nice to meet you here! my blogger!

KOKahKOK said...

hey quanic, u got it! hehe...check out whst i said so! we won! hehe

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