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Monday, October 29

tick tock...

doodled by Aaroni

3 more weeks till freedom!!!

well.. officially our last days as a student ends on the 5th of Nov....(tough TECHNICALLY it ended weeks ago...) realllly gonna miss this place... but then again theres college to look forward too... if you realize entering college is ALMOST (but clearly different) similar in a way...

you know the feeling when we're about to step into school for the 1st time?.. you'll feel the same thing as you step into college too ( + the fact its only about 4 hours of lesson a day and free dressing! ). thats the feeling of excitement and curiosity .

you know the feeling as the schooling days go by? you'll feel the same thing at college too... THAT the feeling of repetitive BOREDOM...

you know the feeling during class lessons? you feel the same thing at college too... THATS the feeling of HELL and loaded assignments...

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