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Saturday, April 4

What the....

doodled by Aaroni

i just found out I'm NOT going back hometown for ching beng. =_=

which leaves me time to catch up here!

FRIM was just as the same the LAST time i came.

4 years ago.

for eg:

the can-eat-humans-for-desserts Brazillian Amazon Fishes (are they REALLY fishes?)

(thats JUST the TAIL)

apparently they can live for double digit years

fascinated they were


the mosquitos are more abundant since it rained the night before.

other wonders the green forest provides

only 3 of these places exist!

erh.. twirly twirly branch?

all in all it was... hm.. lets say an "emotional" event. its a public space which leaves this post vulnerable to the harsh eyes of its readers, so no funny business!

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