ok so this post was faster than usual,
maybe because i KINDA feel guilty leaving knowing that i'll never see one of my friends again ... for 3 months.. i sound as if, nevermind...
so.. to the land of shopping! more likely HARDLY any land...
and of ALL modes of transportation i took a BUS
stopped at pagoh, its a FIVE hour journey, can't expect a bladder to hold...
this is the 2nd time i'm going to singapore... the 1st was a REAL bad experience (we stayed at my GRAND aunts place... no air cond, mosquitoes, cramped) but instead of going sight seeing and stuff (sorry no Sentosa) i WONT tell you where i'm staying for this trip, so get the idea...
this time we're going SHOPPING!
(Girls, stop screaming)malaysian custom checks are WAY outdated ( meaning no checks at all) compared with singaporean customs... at least they SCAN...
you might think that singapore would WANT tourist to shop IN singapore, not shop somewhere else... yay malaysia boleh!
apparently singapore is still in the mood for christmas, coz the decos are still up, and SALES still on! wooohooo yea!
so here i shop,
doesnt this remind you of a certain blogger style?
shop,this too.
shop,don't ask about the name, the application form stated
"name to appear on card",
Bugis street, similar to Petaling street, except for the enormousgiganticalistic fan
and it goes on and on and on...
there are the brief sight-seeing/camwhoring sessions to rest our poor, swollen, painfull feet.
tips on shopping trips:
-wear VERY squishy and comfortable shoes/flops. preferably Crocs
-also carry a VERY durable, light, and shoulder-friendly bag
and food.
oh the FOOD.
no one goes to singapore without having some mee pok (is it called mee pok? i dunnoe... im not fluent in chinese food culture)
i ate not one
but 2!
after a while i realised a few things about singaporeans:
1) they take the saying, "you lead, i follow" VERY seriously... like, this one time i saw a BUNCH of YELLOW dyed hair kids... one should really be cautious of the sentence pengaruh rakan sebaya...
2) kiasu-ness still reigns supreme here
3) old folks dont mind digging their noses in public areas
4) you need to be talented and smart to be normal around here
5) they sell starbucks in a can
thats it... in 1 hour i'm going to learn how to drive... i havent slept since i got back... so bai bai!
i know i know!
its VERY late to say merry xmas, so a early new year to you!
it's been a busy week, so i might as well just start with edward's christmas party.
fun, food tasty, good wine but little, snow spray, movies, pics!
i'll update on my trip to singapore soon! and driving lessons... ellen stole my idea! and the tag.... darn you clarian!
back from penang, and man i'll say,
it has its ups and downs
the ups!:
old buidingsnational treassure 3 anyone?
christmas mood!
and theres the downs:
unhygienic food = stomach craps, gas = smelly toilet
cramped car
stormi dont think you can see it.. but it was REALLY a storm! a tree at the hotel fell too!
the hotel i was staying at (paradise sandy beach hotel)
offers beach activities so my dad randomly asked me to join one.
guess which 1 i went for?
the highlight of my trip
it was actually a BIG disappointment.
compared to my sis's year it was worse.
but i congratulate the prom committee for their hard work and time (11 months.. dont play play)
carpooled with mun you there...it's held at istana budaya...(not bad you know.. a 5 star hotel... in the 1990's...
so i'll skip the talk and let the pic's tell you what happenedmy 2x date! haha...jkjk.. this is outside the ballroom / hall
me and li may.... she's hot and single! to my knowledge la... try your luck
eddie and I... i support you man!
josh and I... you should have brought a date man!
LCM and I... bring your neighbour/*coughgfcough*
in the ballroom / hall... i seriously dunnoe what's it calledthats the 2x date i was talking about! ahaha.. long story..
rachel and I... very daring arh you bring gary =P
kenny and jon... btw we got apples when we registered.. SMELLY apples...
the belianers...
me kim
me chia
me stef
my table was nice... front seats! ahaha.. owh before i tell you.. eigen! roe sean! yes! me and terry DID take your seats! ahahahah!
you may think that the starting performance was nice in this photo, but in actual fact it has the similarities to those performed in strip clubs... plus the main performer is...
a HE-woman! serious! he/she even dared to act sexy and start....
warming up to us like we're some ham sap people that ACTUALLY thinks shes hot... brrrrr......
atleast got other performances that saved the day...NOT these people.. the band's singers were HORRIBLE!! ALL OF THEM.. sorry la but this is reality.. the guitar and drums were good though.. JUST the singers...
now THIS one was worth watching! our own snow black!
there was Amy too... DAMN NICE SINGING.. she saved prom..no pics of the heroine though..i dared him! ahahah
they had this competition.... and eu wing won...
owh... the commentators... EX-DU'rians... with dry humour....
commentator 1: hey, what is a fast burger?
commentator 2: owh i know! burger-rak!
then they announced the best dressed...poor chia wen.. we shouted the loudest we could!
ahaha... eddie!.... i guess the compass wasnt good enough...AHAHAA
next was prom king and queencongratulations ELLEN! your dream came true!
the prom king on the other hand... quite shocking... there were better..the dance!
i danced too!
look at ki jun! sniff... all grown up... ellen got nothing to say.. ahaha.. its already normal to see her like this.. lolx... jkjk
kim also! although eddie is a wee BIT to tall for her...
all in all... OKAY ONLY LAH!
at the entrance there was an ice sculpture...